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walk woodbridge

The Woodbridge neighborhood is within spitting distance of Midtown and Downtown Detroit – yet, so far away if you’re traveling by foot or by bike.  The neighborhood is bordered by I-94, M-10, and Grand River Avenue, all presenting a variety of challenges for nonmotorized users.  The Woodbridge Neighborhood Development Corporation was awarded a Kresge KIP:D Planning Grant to work with the community to identify ways to make it more walkable, bikeable, and connected.

The livingLAB team walked with neighborhood leaders, met with city departments, Wayne State University, MDOT, DDOT, business owners, the local mom’s club, and a number of property owners and tenants to gather input and compile recommendations.  Recommendations are focused on a variety of programming, advocacy, education, and infrastructure improvements including curb protected bike lanes, expansion of walking clubs, coordinated ‘light up the alley’ programs, curb extensions, crosswalks, safe routes to school designations, as well as rezoning corridors to allow for a land use pattern that encourages walking and biking.

  • Client: Woodbridge Neighborhood Development Corporation
  • Location: Detroit, Michigan