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holden street concept plan

A 2018 Neighborhood Strategy Plan identified enhancing open space, streets, blocks and connections in the NW Goldberg Detroit neighborhood . livingLAB, in collaboration with Midtown Detroit Inc., Henry Ford Health Systems, 313 Creative, property owners and residents reviewed the 2018 Neighborhood Strategy Plan and developed a concept plan for improvements to the Holden Street corridor.

Multiple community meetings were held where the team walked the corridor with attendees, talked about what makes great streets, listened to concerns and desires for the corridor, confirmed goals, talked through concepts, discussed site specific implementation at three key zones, and prioritized place based elements that celebrate the neighborhood. The team also developed a preferred concept plan which included short-term and long-term solutions to the currently closed railroad underpass, one-way protected bike lanes, two vehicular lanes with parking on one side, a raised intersection at Sterling Street, a gateway treatment at Ferry Park as well as green spaces, opportunities for art and gathering spaces along the corridor.

  • Date : November 4, 2020